zondag 31 juli 2016

The Lamzac week

It is 9pm, Val and Fenna are already in bed and Lewis is lying next to me on the couch in our living room. The bus is empty. He is exhausted and happily snoring. I totally get how he feels and I know I am also having some signs of withdrawal after this intense, but amazing week with the Lamzac crew. It is not that I am shaking or have a fever or something like that, however it does feel like my body and mind have been drained, but than in a good way. It feels like the afterglow you experience after an unforgettable party, where you don’t want things to end, but deep down realize it is for the better to call it a day and say your goodbyes to everyone.


Living on the bus with 8 people is something really special, especially if people don’t know one and other yet. For example, it doesn’t take long before you get past the regular ‘what do you do for a living?’ questions and start having real conversations. You also get the feeling like you have been traveling together for a very long time, when in reality you have only have been on the bus for a day or two. You instantly become a temporary family in a constantly changing setting and before you know it, you are helping with setting up the bus or preparing diner. In the end I think it all evolves about making the most of your stay on the bus and creating the best possible moments together. That is why I love the diner moments together so much, 10 people at together on the roof or inside the bus is something you have got to experience before you can fully comprehend the vibe it creates, especially when Val has turned on her magic in the kitchen and your senses explode each time you take another bite. It might seem like I am exaggerating, but I am not. It really is that good. In honour to her food, we’ll soon start writing a ‘food blog’ on our letsbenomads website. Definitely worth to check out!


Tonight we have two new guests arriving and tomorrow another one will join the bus, this week will be a lot more like a real hostel, where people will come and go, staying a couple of days on the bus. We are also going into the Spanish Basque country and discover the beautiful green coast. Another different experience and that is what our bus is all about: constant change. Nothing that makes my heart beat faster and makes me smile more than discovering new places and meeting new people.


Thanks again to everyone from the Lamzac crew for making last week a week to never forget!


The post The Lamzac week appeared first on Let's be Nomads.


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