zondag 6 april 2014

On the way to the Bus

This On the way to the Bus is written on Let's be Nomads.

A roller coaster! Every morning when I wake up I open my inbox full of excitement. Who is becoming a part of the project today? Who is declining? Who sees the value in our project, in our dream?

We are following our intuition and for the first time ever I’m working super hard from morning till evening without looking at the time. Doing what I truly love, with ups and downs and learning everything step by step.

Right now we’re literally on the way to find the right bus, with a stopover in Mexico city. I need to get a new passport which takes three weeks before we can fly to Texas to visit the Cook side of my family in Austin. Here we will start looking around for busses, drive them and learn everything that needs to be known before we will buy the one that will become our home for the next few years. From Austin we will make our way to Florida where we hope to find the perfect bus, so we can ship it to Belgium.

This, however, is just a look into the future. Right now our mind is focussed on two other things; designing a new website and creating a crowd funding campaign. We are doing this campaign mostly because we need help not just to create a hostel on wheels, but to create a hostel on wheels with a high quality sustainable off-the-grid system. A normal wood stove for example isn’t so much better for the environment than a gas stove and solar panels don’t do much good without the right generators. These systems are big investments and they will make sure we can provide our guests with not just a comfortable, but also a sustainable chalet on wheels.

Creating a crowd funding campaign isn’t easy. Should we go for the all or northing option or choose the flexible funding where you get what you raised even if you don’t reach the goal. What kind of perks are people interested in? Which media should we contact and how do we get them on board?

In the meantime the hard work and research is starting to payoff and we can proudly announce that eight independent brands (Faction, Darn Though, Love Inc. Snowboarding, Templar Skis, Idris Skis, Misguided Fools, LN Beanies and Sandbox) are going to sponsor the Nomads Bus with their amazing products. We explicitly contacted independent brands because we believe our journey through the European Alps is the perfect opportunity to show the ski/snowboard community the variety of great independent brands out there. Every single one of these companies creates their products with love for the sport, design, quality and creativity.

To all of our European friends, we can’t wait to be back home and start the conversion of the bus!


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